Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Review of HebrewBible iPhone app

Karyn Traphagen has published a review of my HebrewBible iPhone app and compared it to Olive Tree's Bible iPhone app on her blog. Her comments on my Hebrew Bible iPhone app were all accurate; however, one thing that readers might assume from her article is that only a subset of the Bible text can be downloaded and stored locally (cached) on the iPhone. In reality, the user has the option to download either individual Bible books/chapters or entire Bibles (any or all of the eight Hebrew Bible versions that are currently supported) at no additional cost. In addition, they can download the root lookup functionality pages to provide an offline way of researching Hebrew words. If the user wants to minimize the amount of storage space taken up by the program on the iPhone, then they can choose to access all content over the Internet. For people who always have access to high-speed 3G or wifi connections or who have little remaining space on their iPhone, this makes the program usable while consuming minimal iPhone storage.