Friday, March 13, 2020

Problem accessing Hebrew definitions in Hebrew Bible app

A number of people have reported an issue with my HebrewBible app with the word lookup functionality (e.g. - when you touch a Hebrew word, the English definition should pop up). They are seeing something similar to the following:

Database error.  Error was could not execute statement (11 database disk image is malformed) (Code 1)
I'm not sure what the cause is; however, for those who have encountered this problem, it has been fixed by deleting the Hebrew Bible app from their device and reinstalling the app on their device. I assume that Apple has made some changes to where app-specific local files are stored when an app is installed on a device and this is probably the cause of the problem; however, I haven't been able to confirm that. So, if you experience this issue, deleting & re-installing the app should fix the problem for you.