Yiddish Dictionary/Translate in Browser
Yiddish Dictionary/Translate Bookmarklets and links: There are a number of excellent Yiddish/English dictionaries/translation utilities online. You may find you that you prefer one or the other or you may find that you use several of them. Try them out and see which ones you prefer. I've created bookmarklets that make it easier to pre-populate the search dialogs for several of these. Just drag each of these (or, whichever ones you choose to use) to your browser's bookmarks bar and read the descriptions/instructions.
The following 3 bookmarklets translate from English to Yiddish, Transliterated Yiddish (e.g. - Latin characters) to English, and Yiddish (Hebrew characters) to English using the Yiddish Dictionary Online web site for the translations. If you select a word on any web page before pressing these bookmarklets, the selection dialog will be pre-populated with the word you selected.
- en->yi
- yi(lat)->en
- yi->en
Sample results for "family":
- Refoyl
Sample results for "family":
- Google
Sample results for "family":
- Medem
Sample results for "family":
- Glosser
Sample results when the Yiddish text of "The Internationale" was pasted into the Glosser utility:
The following link is a shortcut to a PDF version of Uriel Weinreich's Hebrew/English Dictionary (1968) (probably the most popular Yiddish dictionary in common use today). Unlike most PDF Yiddish dictionaries, this one allows you to search for words within the PDF document. It's very worthwhile to download the PDF and use a local copy of it but you can also use it online.
The following bookmarklet lets you input Yiddish (Hebrew characters) and it will bring up a list of all matches of the entered text in the Complete Works of Sholem Aleichem (the site was created by Refoyl Finkel). This utility is very useful if you want to see sample usages of the entered word in Yiddish texts. If you select a word on any web page before pressing this bookmarklet, the selection dialog will be pre-populated with the word you selected.
Lastly, some related material:
- Other online Yiddish Dictionaries - a page which lists a number of other Yiddish dictionaries (including some specialist ones) that are available online
- YIVO list of Yiddish Dictionaries - a YIVO list of different Yiddish dictionaries
- Pakn Treger Yiddish Dictionaries article - a very good Pakn Treger article about Yiddish dictionaries
- How to choose your Yiddish Dictionary article - a good summary of available dictionaries and how to choose which one(s) to use
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